On page one, change your name and other information as applicable. Include your skeleton outline on page two. Your header begins on page two as well. This is done for you on the template. Just add your title, as shown.

Your essay will begin on page three. You must include the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, and conclusion. All sections combined must be between 500-750 words.

Include your hypothesis in your introduction. Please put it in bold so to identify it quickly. (Example hypothesis: Due to its many benefits and advantages, solar energy is a valuable resource to develop and refine.)

Use at least 3 of your Research Notebook sources (absolutely NO Wikipedia). Each source must be cited within your paper and also on your References page. Use CSE style! See previous “Lessons” for detailed instructions.

In your materials and methods section, explain how this topic was researched. What specific elements were examined and how were they studied? What are the details of the experiments? What supplies, tools, techniques, and procedures were used?