What I Now Know That I Did Not Know Before
This essay will allow you to reflect on what you now know, that you might not have known, at the start of this semester. You will be identifying 3 terms/concepts you found most interesting from our course and explaining what you will do with what we have learned moving forward. Be sure to adequately address each part of the assignment to receive full credit. (You essay should be 3-4 pages, double spaced, 12point, Times New Roman Font)
This essay contains the following three sections:
1. You will select three terms/concepts that you found most interesting throughout the semester. Work and the economy, culture, socialization.
• Introduce and define each term/concept that you found most interesting. Bold the font of each of the three terms when you first introduce them. Use what you learned from the text to explain the term/concept, but do not directly copy the textbook definition. You should be explaining this in your own words.
• Explain why you found this term interesting. Is it something you had not thought about before? Is it something that you thought about differently prior to learning about sociology? You can explain why you think you thought differently about these concepts previously. How did you develop your perception about these concepts initially?
• For each term or concept, find one media source or academic article that relates to one each of these terms. Of the three articles, at least one must be an academic journal article. Discuss how the article relates to the term. Explain how using your sociological imagination makes you think differently about the article or how the article helps to add to you understanding about the concept.

2. What will you do with what you now know?
• We learned a lot about how society operates, with a specific focus on inequality based on class, gender and race. How might you use your sociological imagination in the future to help address these issues of inequality? How might you use this information in your future career in some way? These can be small acts, but you should be able to name at least one way that you can use this information moving forward.

3. Include references for each of the articles you cite. You may use ASA, APA or MLA citing, just be consistent.

*Check your assignment for grammar, spelling and clarity. This should be presented as a complete essay, not a list of bulleted points.