Explain in your own words why Hume believes that an appraisal of a person as having a particular virtue or a vice is a matter of having certain feelings, or sentiments, concerning that person’s character. In explaining, be sure to (a) briefly explain the understanding of appraisals of virtue that Hume is rejecting, and (b) the role sympathy plays in Hume’s account. Be sure to provide evidence from text as to why the view you are attributing to Hume is his position. (c) Kant invites us to think about morality in a way that differs in several respects from that of Hume. Using Kant’s ideas about morality, explain how Kant could analyze the moral objection to willful murder. As part of your explanation, be sure to identify at least two important differences between Hume and Kant concerning how best to understand why willful murder is morally objectionable. (d) Using one of the differences you have identified, explain which approach you find more plausible. Your explanation should focus on why you take the difference you have identified to be important for offering an intuitively persuasive account of the moral objection to willful murder.