Critical Thinking Exercise #2(60 points)Submit electronically on Blackboard by 23:59PM on November 15The stars of TV shows often threaten to leave the show unless they are paid more money per episode, even though they are making a substantial per-episode salary already. For instance, at one point, the stars of “Friends” were makingmore than $1 million per episode. Using either Equity Theory or Vroom’s VIE theory, explain the tendency among these stars to ask for more money.Formatting:-Typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins.-Please format your response in paragraphs.-No more than 300 words.-Do not put your name on your paper. (This helps ensure blind grading.)-Please put the word count at the top of your paper.Copying definitions (without proper citation) constitutes plagiarism. Either put all definitions in your own words or use quotes and an in-text citation documenting that your definition is an exact quote from the notes (Zhu, 2020) or from the textbook (Landy & Conte, 2013). To submit your paper, please do the following:1.Go to the course website on Blackboard2.Click on “Assignments” in the left margin3.Click on Critical Thinking Exercise#24.In the “Attach file” section, click on “Browse My Computer” and upload your document5.Click on the “Plagiarism Tools” box6.Click “Submit