subject actually is communication Advertisment. the topic is “Billig argues that “In consumer capitalism people’s sense of personal identity is bound up with the regular acquisition of material possessions”. Giving an example of one single product of your choice, discuss how it signifies personal identities through the ideology of consumerism and commodity fetishism. (Readings from week 6)
Your analysis should incorporate a small number of examples of advertising media that you have selected to
illustrate your points. These examples should be discussed fully in a way that demonstrates your own critical
perspective, and without lengthy description. You must refer to the appropriate readings available on the
course page and also find additional academic resources from academic databases and libraries to provide
evidence for your discussion and to support your arguments. You may also incorporate readings and
concepts from other weeks if you wish. All resources that you refer to must be properly cited in the text of
your essay and also be listed in a bibliography at the end of your essay.
Your assignments will be marked according to the following criteria:
Knowledge and understanding
Your essay should include a detailed discussion of concepts relevant to this course that demonstrates to the
reader your knowledge and understanding of the assigned material. You must include a discussion of
concepts from at least one of the appropriate assigned readings, and must also include additional academic
materials in your essay that closely related to your topic, drawing primarily from academic work in the field of
media and communications.
Analysis and discussion
Your discussion should include your own analysis of academic theories and concepts and how they are
applied to your topic, and closely relate these to a small number of well-identified examples. You should avoid
being descriptive and focus your discussion on the meanings and implications of these concepts in light of
your topic. You should also direct your discussion towards an argument that makes a clear conclusion about
your topic.
Academic skills
Assignments should be written using clear language and carefully proofread. All references, quotations, and
paraphrased passages must be properly cited and appear in your bibliography. You may use any appropriate
citation format (APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago) as long as it is clear and consistent.
You must submit your assignment in PDF or Word format. Your submission must also include your name and
ID number on the first page. If you do not submit your assignment by the deadline it will be considered late. If
you require an extension for any significant reason then you must email me in advance.