From further research,it is found that there is a linear relationship between the fraction of occupied carrying capacity and the % of potential customers that will go to the park. A certain percentage (x%) of all the potential customers will go to the park if there are very few people in the park. No customers (0%) will go to the park if there are already 400.000 people in the park since,then,the park is overcrowded.

1.Make a causal loop diagram for the opening of a national park.5 points

2.How do you think the dynamics will be based on your causal loop diagram? Formulate your dynamic hypothesis.2 points

3.Now transform the causal loop diagram into a stock and flow diagram.3 points

4.Give a short description of the detail of your model and how it can be recreated.3 points

5.Explain the dynamics of your model. Identify the elements of your model and describei) thekind of growth presentand ii)the influence of changes in model parameters.7 points

6.Does the model set into equilibrium after a while? If so, is this a static or dynamic equilibrium?2 points3.Influence of visitors to the parkIn the first discussion session with the park’s directive and park ranger,you present your model. The park ranger tells that,from experience,he knows that the people visiting the park, intentional or unintentional, damage the park and all its facilities. In turn, the carrying capacity of the park is reduced. They ask you to incorporate this dynamic into your model.

1.You come up with two different ways to incorporate this feature into your model. First,you try to add a feature where all the people damage the park’s nature or facilities. You suggest that thecarrying capacity gets lower by 5% of the total numberof visitors inthe previous year. Implement this strategy.4 points

2.Explain the dynamics of the model after you introduced the influence of people on the carrying capacity. What is the difference betweenthis and the previous model? And how does the model react to different values of your newly implemented feature? 3 points3.The second idea is that the plants, animals,and facilities in the park only get affected after a certain amount people are in the park. Implement this idea into your model and show what happens if the park only gets affected after 300.000 visitors. 5 points4.Comparethe difference between the first and second ideas. Which one do you think would be a better representation of the system? 2 points 4.Regaining StrengthAfter you implemented both models,you notice a critical mistake. In your model. the facilities in the park are never renewed,or nature neverrecoversfrom its damage.

System dynamics 2020Assignment 1

1.Implement a mechanism in your model of 3.1 and 3.3 such that the carrying capacity of the park regains itself. Make sure that you explain the formulas that you have used and why you have chosen these formulas.3 points

2.How does this effect influence the dynamics of your model?3 points

3.What would happen if we introduce a time delay in the model, either between the visitors and carrying capacity or between the number of visitors and nature’s recovery?Explainit;you do not need to model this.

2 points5.Finalizing your modelTo be able to finishyour work,one crucial thing is missingin your model. The model still lacks a guide for employees that have to useit. If the employees do not know how to use your model, they will stop using,and your work will be lost in a drawer forever!

1.Add by yourself one additional feature to the model. Explain why you think this feature is important for the model.4 points

2.Explain how this feature influencesthe dynamics. Does it havea significant impact on th


3.When you deliver the model to your client,it should always be clear what the domain of validity is for your parameters/model and what its limitations are. Lists these features for the employees of the national park services and give a short guide for the model