**Your responses suggested a strong automatic preference for Young people over Old people.** – what my answer to test was

For some people, receiving the results of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) can bring forth a level of relief or self-reinforcement. This is particularly true when one’s implicit preferences align with one’s explicit beliefs. However, for many people there is disconnection between espoused beliefs and the results of the IAT. While we all have biases that may or may not align with our deeply held explicit beliefs of justice and equity, what speaks to the content of our character is how we choose to act in the face of learning about the implicit biases that we possess.

What feelings or reactions did you have upon learning your Implicit Association Test (IAT)?
Reflect on your life experiences that may have influenced your results. COnsider your childhood and family upbringing; the neighborhoods in which you’ve lived; elements of your career path; media messages; your family and peer networks; etc. How might these experiences have shaped your biases, with or without your conscious awareness?
How might knowing your IAT results affect your future actions and decisions, both in your role at your workplace and in other aspects of your life?