Refer to the case study description about First Lady Betty Ford and her efforts in garnering support for causes that were important to her. Answer all questions at the end of the case study description.

Observe the following guidelines:

*Write your analysis of each topic section. Use information from external scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, and your textbook readings to support your arguments. Cite the references according to the APA manual. Be sure to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and principles learned this week, and support your answers by citing from the text or some other scholarly source.

*The introduction section must adequately include the overview of the case, thesis statement, and main points to be discussed in the paper.

*Write the questions as headings (does not have to be verbatim). The headings should correlate with the main topic points outlined in your introduction.

1. How would you describe Betty Ford’s leadership?

2. In what ways could her leadership be described as authentic?

3. How did critical life events play a role in the development of her leadership?

4. Is there a clear moral dimension to Betty Ford’s leadership?

5. In what way is her leadership about serving the common good? Discuss.

6. As we discussed in the chapter, self-awareness, and transparency are associated with authentic

leadership. How does Betty Ford exhibit these qualities?

*2-3 pages written text, not including title or reference pages which are required.

*The abstract is not required.

*Paper is to be formatted according to APA guidelines.

*Do not use first-person or second-person nouns/pronouns, casual language, or colloquialisms.
Use proper grammar, spelling, paragraph structure, etc.

*Do not use direct quotations; students are expected to paraphrase.

*References: The textbook should be used as the main reference material. You are also required to use at least 2 relevant peer-reviewed sources. Please be sure that you cite all sources used.