Develop a Classroom Observation Paper as if you’re a U.S. 10th grade U.S. History 44 year old male student teacher. You will need to write as if you visit/observe with your cooperating teacher for a minimum of ten hours. The teacher’s name is Mrs. Alexis Smith and teaches 10th grade U.S. History in the U.S. The time you’re observing the studies are over The U.S. entering and fighting in WWII. There are 32 students. Write/act as if during this time you observe how the teacher interacts with the students and classroom. Take notes and record examples that outline her particular teaching style to use in the assignment paper. She used DIRECT INSTRUCTION(Reference: ), ADVANCED ORGANIZERS MODEL(References: uploaded text and COOPERATIVE TEACHING MODEL(Reference: )Think about the different philosophies of teaching that are UPLOADED/INCLUDED, from your mind pretend you’ve observed and write about how the supervising teacher/Mrs. Alexis Smith using all the included/uploaded teaching models for the class/topic.Take the approach that Mrs. Alexis Smith likes to teach more with the DIRECT TEACHING MODEL. Do you see it influencing their ability to teach the students? Take note of any cues that helped you make your decision. Around hour seven (7), imagine to have a talk with your teacher but write as if you were really there and hear how they see their philosophy and how it relates to their practice.
Submit the paper that looks at both your original observations and how they compared or contrasted with those that the teacher saw as their philosophy. Were you correct in your original observation? Now compare and contrast it to your philosophy of education. How would your teaching style imitate or differ from your cooperating teacher?
Below are more items for reference and more text will be uploaded and I’ll upload a previous observation paper as a guide that give structural ideas but the assignment requires emphasis about the teaching models be used and their effectiveness: