Assignment guidelines

• Relevant and up-to-date sources of information originating from newspapers, business magazines, reliable web sources and databases, specialist journals, and government and NGO reports.

• Outstanding work entirely focused on the assignment question and objectives.

• The work must show up-to-date, comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the subject area and where appropriate relevant literature that integrates theory with practice.

• The work must show the student has developed his/her own ideas based on a wide range of evidence that has been thoroughly analysed, applied and discussed.

• The work must show the student can effectively and critically review evidence, draw conclusions and suggest ideas to enhance organizational processes whilst recognizing contextual limitations.

• The assignment must be presented professionally, communicate key messages and arguments with convincing substantiation from a wide range of reliable sources and contain accurate referencing in the appropriate format.

It should cover the following sections: around 1500 WORDS

Use Harvard referencing for bibliography

Only do main body and references


Provide a brief overview of the company – e.g. who we are, what we do, our scale of operations, what our strengths (or unique competencies) are in relation to international expansion.

State the aim of this portfolio and briefly outline its structure.

2. MARKET OPPORTUNITIES (approx. 650 words plus supporting appendices)

• Describe market characteristics of the chosen country – e.g. size, economic growth, domestic and international demand, types of customers and spending levels)

• Identify any relevant investment incentives offered in the country – e.g. financial, fiscal and/or operational incentives.

• Describe the competitive set in the country – e.g. key competitors and their scale.

• Identify and justify a specific prominent location for your company’s (further) expansion.

3. MARKET RISKS (approx. 700 words plus supporting appendices)

• Identify and evaluate the political, economic, competitive and operational risks in the chosen country, which could potentially affect your company’s expansion.

Assignment Criteria
About the company
– Clearly and accurately identifies the company, including its key products/services – clearly identifies and justifies company strengths in international expansion

Market Opportunities
• Clearly and accurately identifies characteristics of the named market –
• Clearly and accurately identifies investment incentives
• Clearly and accurately identifies the competitive set – clearly identifies and justifies the prominent area for (further) development

Market Risks

– Clearly identifies and evaluates political risks
– Clearly identifies and evaluates economic risks
– Clearly identifies and evaluates competitive risks
– Clearly identifies and evaluates operational risks

Quality of communication
• The report is of the correct length (3000 words, not including the front page, table of contents, list of references and appendices) and conforms to the presentation standards
• The report is well written (free of major spelling and grammatical errors)
. Referencing –
• All sources used are accurately cited both intext and listed in reference list, in accordance with the School’s Harvard System conventions – the evidence demonstrate breadth and depth in academic and practitioner research – the evidence is from reliable sources