Choose a well-known celebrity or star from the Asia-Pacific region. Analyze the social
function and social meaning of this celebrity. Is the Asian star system different from the
West? If yes, how and why?

● Taking up the call to De-Westernise media studies, identify a relevant example of media
from the Asia-Pacific region which allows you to explore the issues or concepts
implicated by the question.
● Research the existing academic literature on your topic, concepts and example. Make
sure you connect to the issues we identified as being important for this topic in this
● Offer a response to the question that critically analyses the trends and issues involved
with your topic.

Assessment Criteria:
● Demonstrate a deep understanding of the core arguments and concepts from
one of the topics in the course.
● Demonstrate an ability to apply academic theory and concepts in the critical
analysis of a specific example of media from the Asia-Pacific.
● Be able to express your ideas clearly in writing in a manner that engages the
reader and presents a rigorous argument in your response to the selected essay
● Be able to reference your ideas using the Harvard in-text referencing style.

Student Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Identify and apply key concepts and theories which explain the relationship between
media and globalisation.
2. Appreciate diversity among and within cultures, while recognising the role global media
plays in fostering new patterns of culture and identification, which are no longer solely
based on geography.
3. Discuss the balance between the ‘global’ and the ‘local’ in different forms of media in
relation to the context of their production and distribution.
4. Identify key trends and patterns in the flow of audio-visual goods and services and
evaluate the impact of attempts to regulate them.

Please reference the readings attached, as well as finding 5 other appropriate academic sources.