Select one of the health leadership job advertisements from the provided list. (In this folder you will find a list of the KSC you need to address in 1.c of the assignment task. Please note there are 2 KSC for each job.) Imagine that you have the necessary background to be shortlisted for interview for this role. You will need to do some background research about the role and the organisation to assist in making a credible application for the job. You will also need to identify the key knowledge, skills, experience and leadership capabilities that the recruitment panel will be looking for in written applications and at interview and you will need to understand why these are considered important to the role.
1. Write a plan for your application that demonstrates the following:
a) Background information about the employing organisation that will assist you to demonstrate your interest in the role and understanding about the mission and values of the organisation and the context in which it operates. (500 – 750 words)
b) How the key selection criteria for the role compare with what you have learned from leadership theory, formal health leadership frameworks and strategic management. (1500 words)
c) Draft responses to the selection criteria that demonstrate your understanding of what is required of the successful applicant. As you will not have practical experience to offer, base you responses on best practice as described in the academic literature. Note: For each job advertisement the key selection criteria to be answered will be identified. (1000 words)
d) How you might develop the experience, knowledge and skills to fulfil the role you are applying for, i.e. map out a career pathway for these types of roles. You will need to take into account your existing strengths and weaknesses, experience and career aspirations. (500 words)
2. Prepare a response to a ‘question on notice’ that will be asked at interview. One week before the assignment due date (8 am, Friday 30 October) an interview question will be posted on Blackboard for each of the jobs advertised. You are required to develop a detailed response to the question that is relevant to the job advertisement you have chosen to write about in 1. above. (250 – 500 words max)