Course: Business Management                       Module: Strategic Management

Assignment Briefing:

Present the results of a detailed strategic analysis of your given company (EasyJet)

  • The report should be 12 pages/slides (+/_1)
  • Not including cover page, table of references, table of contents, appendices
  • A mix of graphics, tables, and text (as appropriate)
  • There is no word limit


  • Be meticulously referenced, and
  • Be written to a professional standard.


*remember the strategic fit is part of the conclusion.

Below are samples of what a good PowerPoint report should look like but remember not to copy this.

 *Do not waste space explaining what PESTEL, SWOT or Porter’s analysis is. Just show that/how you can use it.


Coursework:    Report

Industry:          Airlines

Company:        EasyJet PLC

Country:           United Kingdom

To do a rigorously research analysis of EasyJet presented in the form of a consultant report (i.e. dashboards of information)

Key points:  It is A Report written using PowerPoint. And the logic to ask you to do this in PowerPoint is that you will be dealing with a lot of graphics, tables, and charts.

Note: it is A Report and Not a presentation. It’s just written using the PowerPoint to make it colourful and more presentable. Remember it must be readable, analytical, and coherent.


Identify the key stakeholders for EasyJet.

Be careful to be as specific as you can be. Listing

‘employees, customers and shareholders’ are insufficient.

  • Which employees?
  • Which customers?
  • Which suppliers?
  • Who else?
  • Which stakeholders are critical to the business?
  1. What did you find?
  2. Who are the key stakeholders in EasyJet?
  3. Classify the stakeholders in appropriate categories considering their strategic importance to EasyJet.
  4. Be careful to be as specific as you can be. Listening ’employees, customers and shareholder’ is insufficient: which employees? Which customers? Which suppliers? Which others?
  5. Which stakeholders are critical to the business?
  6. Start a PESTEL analysis for the general business environment of EasyJet.
  7. Collect and evaluate economic factors which might influence EasyJet general business environment.
  8. Start a SWOT and Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis for the company
  9. Make a list of the issues/problems you face.
  10. Provide both intext citation and Reference List using Harvard Referencing Style
  11. Only Academic sources are allowed/accepted
  12. Must be an original work
  13. plagiarism will be penalised

Finding and referencing resources for this assignment:

The resources listed below should provide you with a good overview and starting point but you will need to search more widely (especially for up-to-date news / information 2018 – 2020) to develop and support your own analysis.

Please ensure that all the information resources that you use for this assignment have the appropriate authority for an academic assignment.

Please create a full reference list (using Harvard Referencing Style) of all the resources that you have found / are planning to use.


Module Core Text – you must show prove of reading.

Thompson, A.A.; Strickland, A.J.; Janes, A.; Sutton, C.; Peteraf, M.A.; and Gamble,

J.E. (2017) Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, Concepts and Cases, 2nd international edition, London: McGraw-Hill

  • Mintel
  • Passport
  • IBISWorld
  • Business Source Compete
  • Annual Reports (Search on Google)
  • Capital IQ

Useful resources for key economic indicator data

Industry reports (Mintel, IBISWorld etc) often only provide lagging indicators such as GDP. However, it is important for this assignment, to also use leading indicators such as PMI (purchasing managers’ index) and SMI (service managers’ index) and interest rates and consumer sentiment/confidence.

Other resources:

  • Library Search
  • The Economist
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Bloomberg BusinessWeek
  • Forbes
  • WARC

Other Keywords:


The keywords provided in this worksheet are only examples to get you started and to help you find the key reports. It is important that you develop your own set of keywords for this assignment. Please consider searching for key factors that will impact on your industry and company. For example, Brexit, Coronavirus / Covid-19 etc.

List all sources used accordingly. E.g.:

Company website: 

  • List all company website searched and provide the URL

Company annual report reference:

  • List and provide the URL

Newspaper article reference:

  • List all website used and provide the URL

Magazine article reference:

  • List and provide the URL

Webpage referencing:

  • List and provide the URL

Financial report from an online database reference:

  • List and provide the URL

Financial report from a terminal database (Bloomberg, EIKON, DataStream) reference:

  • List and provide the URL