Read Chapter 13, Becoming an Effective Teacher in a Challenging World and review the Power Point.

Assignment #13:

According to the text, there are methods and activities that help create an “effective” school. Identify what you feel are the top three methodologies and describe why you feel they are the most important. Include in your report the roles that both teachers and principals should take in developing an effective school.


We are living in a time of significant and dramatic changes in the field of education. Many of the perspectives on the direction of these changes are antithetical to each other. Central to these changes has been the infusion of input and control by the Federal Government. Another major contribution to the discourse of education has been the proliferation of research studies and the continual development and refinement of innovative educational practices. Findings from these research studies have accelerated the rate of change. As teachers entering the field of education, it is imperative that students have a grasp of recent scholarship relative to what has been learned and what is currently being debated within the context of educational research. In spite of these multiple changes, one central tenet still remains: teachers must doe whatever it takes to improve the learning of their students.

Teachers entering the profession will also need a roadmap and a blueprint for what will be expected of them as they chart the slippery educational landscapes. Understanding what is expected of a high quality educator, what constitutes high quality schools, and developing an awareness of how teachers typically respond to change are important elements covered within this chapter. Finally, in spite of the emerging pressures, readers are provided some measure of comfort from the assurance that there are several mechanisms of support for new teachers during the induction period including new employee workshops, new teacher orientations, assigned teacher mentors, among others.