Literature Review Question: Is organisational reform key to avoiding ‘intelligence failure’?

Structure plan:
-Introduction (100 words)
-Body (800 Words)
-Conclusion (100 words)

This is the structure i recommend using if you have any further points you want to discuss in the body paragraph then let me know. All source must be academic only. Please make sure that the essay itself is 1000 words. Anything exceeding 1000 words should only be the academic sources.

Literature Review:

– Assesses strengths and weaknesses
– Identify gaps & clashes in the research and use this to justify the argument
– Keep the literature review organised by THEME or SCHOOL of Thought

Literature Review Rules:
– All reference must have page numbers
– 6 or more academic sources
– Be consistent with referencing (only use Harvard)
– Do not only summarise thoughts of the other authors, but critique & contrast them!
– Remember to always reference throughout the essay.
1) Two Faces of Intelligence Failure: September 11 and Iraq’s Missing WMD
Richard K. Betts
2) Good literature and bad history: The 9/11 commission’s tale of strategic intelligence
Paul R. Pillar
3) Spying Blind : The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins Of 9/11
Amy B. Zegart and Amy B. B. Zegart
4) A weak pillar for American national security: The CIA’s dismal performance against WMD threats
Richard L. Russell
5) Red Team: How the Neoconservatives Helped Cause the Iraq Intelligence Failure
Patrick Conway
6) The Kent-Kendall Debate of 1949, CSI Studies
Jack Davis

Please let me know if you have any problem with them. If you would like you can add two more academic sources that you might think is good for this relevant literature review question.