Needs to outline the literature and current state of practice for perceptions of engineering and relations to sustainable development goals. Needs to outline the literature and current state of practice for engineering outreach with schools Needs to recommend a schools outreach activity with justification for the methods chosen, including potential learning and development opportunities for children and engineers (UK SPEC) Should be no more than 2000 words (excluding references). Should include: o Title Page o Introduction o Background Research o Outline of Activity and Justification of Pedagogies o Future Recommendations for engineers’ and engineering career development Report Marking criteria: a. Outline of the context of engineering and the sustainable development goals including references to relevant previous information/reports/publications. 25% b. Outline of schools outreach activities and pedagogies including references to relevant previous information/reports/publications. 25% c. Recommendations for future STEM public engagement activities with justification for the methods chosen, including potential learning and development opportunities for children and engineers (UK SPEC) 40% d. Style and clarity, Adherence to Word Limit and inclusion of Reference List. 10% Please find relevant reading material supplied to us linked and attached