Read the article by Garnett et al, 2020 and summarise it for an audience that has no expert knowledge in the area of addiction. You should include the following sections:
1. Image, photo or diagram that illustrates the topic of the article. This should be captioned and credited.
2. Headline that is impactful, factually accurate and encourages the reader to read on.
3. One-sentence ‘topline’ that summarises what is novel about the research or its findings.
4. The main body: a summary of the research article that avoids jargon and makes it clear
what was done, how, why and by whom.
5. Reference for the article (APA style).
The summary has a limit of 500 words, excluding the reference, but including all other sections.
Please read the ‘General Coursework Guidance’ and ‘How to Write a Lay Summary’ document in the module Assessments section. You may also wish to review the following:
Examples of lay summaries of different lengths:
• Nature Research Highlights: highlight
• The Mental Elf:
Further guidance on lay summaries (please note that this is aimed at authors of articles,
so is not all applicable to the current assignment):