
  • A Personal Philosophy of Nursing paper will be written using APA format describing the student’s present view of nursing. No abstract is needed, but the paper must include introduction and conclusion paragraphs per APA guidelines. The title page and reference page are not to be included in the page count. The paper must not exceed four pages. Level headers are required according to APA guidelines-if you are unfamiliar with the use of level headers please review or ask.
  • Students will submit the paper electronically using the drop box in Canvas. It is recommended that students keep a clean copy of their paper for their professional portfolios.
  • Papers will be graded according to the Philosophy of Nursing Paper Grading Rubric.  Students must address all items in totality in order to receive full points.
  • References:  3 referencesare to be included in the paper. References must be of a professional level and cited in the paper using APA format. Of note – Wikipedia is not a professional reference. Examples of professional references include professional journals, text books, and/or professional websites. If you are unsure if a reference is acceptable to use contact faculty or other resources: librarian and writing specialist.

Mechanics: Sentence structure, typographical errors, spelling, and grammar will be evaluated according to the paper’s rubric.

 Items to be addressed in the paper:

  1. Bellin College’s values must be addressed in the paper. It is your determination where the college’s values are most reflective and apply to your philosophy of nursing.
  2. Referring to a nursing theorist: state how their theory will influence and guide you as you progress through the educational process of obtaining a BSN.
  3. Referring to a definition of nursing > please do not use the definition from a dictionary >ANA and other sources have professional nursing definitions > summarize the definition and state what the definition means to you as a future Registered Nurse.
  4. Choose an influential current nurse leader > there are many choices to chose from: board of nursing member, congressperson, military, nurse theorist, personal choice of a nurse who has influenced you > state how he/she has made an impact on the nursing profession.
  5. What is your vision for the future of the nursing profession?