Exploring Two Sides of an Issue Essay
For Essay 2, you will write a research paper that objectively describes and analyzes both sides of a social controversy. You’re not yet making an argument about the issue itself.
Getting Started: Think of current issues: for example, human cloning, genetic engineering, etc. Create a “should” question. Ex) Should we test on animals for medical research? Yes, because___, No because___.
This is a research paper. After reading several essays, articles, and/or books on the topic, determine different arguments/sides of the issue. The paper will identify and explain the two sides of the issue.
You should have 2 sources (1 Pro/For and 1 Con/Against) to evaluate about your topic. Remember to fully explain all your evidence within the body paragraphs. You should have in-text citations (author’s last name and page number) and a work’s cited page. Consider the Opposing Viewpoints Database or Academic Search Complete to get started.
This is NOT an argumentative paper. You’re objectively describing and evaluating the major arguments that currently surround the issue—not choosing a side. Therefore, you should use phrases that distance yourself from your claim: “Supporters of affirmative action contend that it is necessary for achieving diversity…” “Critics of affirmative action argue that it is no longer a necessary policy.” Such phrases show that you’re referring to the opinions of others.
Your thesis might be as follows: In discussions of animal testing, there are those who support it because it finds cures for diseases. However, there are those who oppose it because it is cruel to animals. (You will then objectively describe the arguments put forth by both sides.)

Paper Requirements:
Proper Heading (Name, Class, Date) & Proper Header (Last name, pg # in upper right corner)
3-5 pages
Double spaced
12 point font Time New Roman
Works Cited Page 2 sources (Opposing Viewpoint or Academic Search Complete from the library)
Matching works cited and in-text citations

Sentence Outline: Paper #2
◦Attention-getter-what is your attention-getter
◦Summary-3-4 sentences that explain the topic (background, controversy, recent developments)
◦Thesis-Identify topic and 2 sides that are being covered and list the points of support.
In discussions of ___________there are those who support it because ________point 1. However, there are those who oppose it because _____point 2. OR While some argue ____side 1______, others contend that ____side 2____.
Side A (For)
◦1) Source 1 (For)
Topic sentence: Identify the article and point being discussed
Summarize the article (2 sentences max)
Is this an effective argument for the topic? Why? Consider how the argument is constructed.
Evidence from source (quote, statistic, example) to support the point
Explain: Why does it matter? How is it important? What is the relationship/connection to the topic?
Evidence from source (quote, statistic, example) to support the point
Explain: Why does it matter? How is it important? What is the relationship/connection to the topic?
Summarize and preview
Restate thesis
Side B (Against)
◦2) Source 2 (Against)
Topic sentence: Identify the article and point being discussed
Summarize the article (2 sentences max)
Is this an effective argument for the topic? Why? Consider how the argument is constructed.
Evidence from source (quote, statistic, example) to support the point
Explain: Why does it matter? How is it important? What is the relationship/connection to the topic?
Evidence from source (quote, statistic, example) to support the point
Explain: Why does it matter? How is it important? What is the relationship/connection to the topic?
◦Restate thesis
◦Comment on the significance of the controversy
◦Present a compromise about the issue if applicable
◦Identify which side of the argument is stronger based on the evidence