To help you approach your readings for this week, you were given several reading questions. In this discussion, you’ll choose one of those questions, and address how it is answered throughout the readings for the lesson. As you answer, be sure to cite the readings and authors as you address the question.

To complete this discussion:

Address one of the following questions in a post to the discussion forum. You are encouraged to answer from an academic point of view (lecture and readings) as well as your own personal or professional experience. There is no length requirement, but the writing should be enough to fully explain your thoughts.

1. What is “net widening”? Why is net widening a concern for intermediate sanctions?

2. What kinds of intermediate sanctions or alternatives to incarceration exist?

3. Why is implementation important to the “success” of intermediate sanctions?

4. What does research tell us about intermediate sanctions and recidivism, cost, implementation, and other issues?

5. What do you think are the most promising new directions in corrections policy? What are some of the most important gaps in corrections research?