Case Study 1

What is the Best Type of Market Research? Many people prefer quantitative analysis when they want insight into how consumers feel about a brand, while other’s prefer qualitative research. Take one type of research analysis and defend why you chose it over the other.

Cite all your references. Be aware of Plagiarism and avoid it.

The assignment should be a minimum of 2500 words and meet the writing specifications outlined in the syllabus. Your submission will be graded using the rubric in the syllabus as well.
Grading Rubic:
Criteria Exemplary Mastery Proficient Emerging
Course Outcomes 25 Points
Shows advanced understanding of the subject content and is presented in an insightful manner, demonstrating excellent use of critical thinking skills, applying theory and terminology. 20 Points
Shows a good understanding of the subject content and is presented in an insightful manner, demonstrating good use of critical thinking skills, applying theory and terminology. 15 Points
Shows an adequate understanding of the subject content and is presented with a moderate amount of insight and use of critical thinking skills, applying theory and terminology. 10 Points
Shows minimal understanding of the subject content and there is minimal demonstration of insight and use of critical thinking skills, with application of theory and terminology.
Writing 25 Points
Posts are extremely well organized; makes excellent transitions from point to point; rare spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited according to course specifications. 20 Points
Posts are generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited. 15 Points
Posts are organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; have occasional spelling and/or grammatical errors or isolated references not cited properly. 10 Points
Posts are minimally organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; noticeable spelling and/or grammatical errors or references occasionally not cited correctly.
Participation 25 Points
More than 2 timely posts/responses per week and encourages the participation of others. 20 Points
2 timely posts per week. 15 Points
2 posts per week. 10 Points
1 post per week.
Preparation 25 Points
Posts demonstrate excellent preparation of subject matter; contributes significant, pertinent information to the discussion. 20 Points
Posts demonstrate good preparation of subject matter; contributes significant, pertinent information to the discussion. 15 Points
Posts demonstrate adequate preparation of subject matter; contributes minimal information to the discussion. 0 Points
Posts demonstrate minimal preparation and minimal contributions in either breadth or depth of content.

Marketing Management 15th Edition Kotler & Keller. Pearson.