This Ted Talk is to test the knowledge of the texts, media, and important themes and issues present in the world. You will explore the play The Taming of the Shrew in the library cristim of the Feminist criticism in a form of a ted talk. You will analyze this play, and explain the insights in a Ted Talk presentation.

When analyzing with Femisn Cristism you must answer the following:

What is the portrayal of women in the text? Their qualities, attitudes, and behavior.

What types of power do women have in the text? Can it be real or imagined?

How do women in the text “match up” with their male equivalents? (Characteristics)
– What do they say?
– What do they do?
– What do they think?

How do female characters unfold/defy feminism expectations?

What type of “fate/ending” does the author provide for the female character?

Look at the TED Talk presentation and analysis doc and understand the media codes and conventions in the chart to apply to this thesis and convince your audience.

You will imagine that you’ve been asked to speak in a TED Talk series titled, “Why You Should Read This Book.” YOU WILL USE THE FEMINIST CRITICISM to help determine the author’s central message or purpose in writing the text. This message will become the basis of their thesis statement, in which they answer the question: How does this text help us to better understand some aspect of the human experience? (I.e. Feminism = the female experience)

You will apply your understanding of the feminist criticism and analysis to the “Novel Propose” document. You should remember to include various aspects of the chosen work which make it significant and relevant to the world today. Examples may include characterization, various forms of conflict, universal themes or current events, etc. Should be including quotations from the novel which can help them establish strong support for the prompt they will be given to base their arguments on in Part 3 (see below).

All of the information in the TED Talk must be recorded in a script. The script must include:

A text to the world and/or text to self-connection
A summary of the text
A clear thesis statement (How does this text help us to understand some aspect of the human experience)
The context for each of the three quotes discussed
An explanation of how each of the three quotes connects to your thesis (this may or may not use direct literary analysis)
Use of supporting images/graphics as per TED Talk conventions

For each quote, the student must clearly explain why this excerpt is impactful/significant to the reader, as well as how it supports their thesis. The choice of quote and commentary should clearly reflect the purpose, tone, and intended audience of a TED Talk.

All the following docs are in Additional materials