Action Planning
Assigned Readings:
-Criminal Justice Policy and Planning: Chapters 3 & 4 (Book has been gifted to assigned writer from previous assignment)
-The Primary Factors of Effective Intervention. (PDF).
-Case Study 3.3: Getting Tough with Juvenile OffensesCase (Answer questions at the end of the Case Study)
-Case Study 4.3: Juvenile Reinvestment: Action Planning (Answer questions at the end of the Case Study)

Reading Assignment Analysis. Each Reading Analysis is to be a critical response to the reading materials assigned during that time–it is not a summary of the readings. The Reading Analysis may include outside experiences and information using specific evidence from the chapter and explaining how it relates to juvenile justice. In a paper of 3 to 5 pages in length, you should include the following:

What is the major thesis of the assigned readings?
What juvenile justice problem or issues are addressed in the assigned readings?
What is the purpose and/or theoretical basis for the assigned reading?
What do the assigned readings contribute to your understanding of the juvenile justice system?