Management of ConstructionCON7CMCAutumn 2020Assignment1support documentThe following is to support you in your submission for the above module, it should be used in conjunction with the module learning materials and information/guidancefrom the Module Tutor team. Reflective QuestionsBelow are some questions to help you consider what is required for the assignment. They are intended topromptyour preparation and planning of your assignmentsubmission.Please note, this isnota definitive list; you need to ensure that you are clear on therequirements of the task then apply the relevant aspects of your learning, readingand experience to complete it.The following questions are always worth considering, as they help you understandthe audience for and purpose of the task:

•What is your role in this scenario?•Who are you writing to and why?

•What does the task require you to produce or create?Consider how best to include all the elements required, if you make any assumptions clearly identifythese.

•What factors will the construction team need to consider given the clientneeds and locations for the installation of thepod units?

•What resources will be needed to install the pod units into the accommodationbuildings?

•What methods and measures should be taken to effectivelymanage theseresources? Consider the both positive and negative points of the itemssuggested.

•What is Precedence planningand programming software? How does it compare to other planning andprogramming software methods?Consider theadvantages and disadvantages.

•What potential quality and cost issues might the construction managementteam encounter and how can they mitigate, control or minimise these issues?