Assessment – Individual

To be uploaded onto Blackboard Dropbox

Assignment: Report of 1,000 words

Submission: Blackboard Midterm [assignment] Dropbox

The objective of implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is smoothly integrating data and processes across an organization – yet many companies fail during the implementation and there is a negative impact on their revenues, market share, and share price.

The assignment will be to individually write a 1,000 word report on an ERP implementation failure for one of the following companies (choose only one)

  • Hershey’s (1999)
  • Nike (2000-01)

The report needs to cover:

  • What was the goal behind the ERP implementation (what were they trying to achieve);
  • What ERP system were they using and what was the cost (of the system);
  • What was the failure;
  • What was the impact of the ERP failure in terms of revenues, market share (sales), share price, etc;
  • How was the problem resolved?

*The report must be properly formatted, well written (grammar and punctuation), and properly cited using at least 3 peer reviewed (i.e. scholarly) publications, in addition you may also use industry/trade publications (i.e. not Wikipedia) or properly researched media (e.g. Financial Post, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, … or other similarly respectable media).


  • You can search for scholarly articles on: … is easy to use but will not let you download the articles without paying, so……
  • You can download journal and scholarly articles (free) from the Humber Library at: (use your Humber credentials to Login).

Note: Your submission will be checked for plagiarism when you upload it onto Blackboard, so ensure that the work is your own – and do not share your work with others in the class. If you are quoting ensure that you cite the source.