HSE 210 Module Six Journal Guidelines and Rubric As you are learning, the healthcare system is subject to social and political forces that impact its actions and form. Here is a chance to reflect on the change process and consider how changes to the system can impact individuals such as Jean from the final project case study. Taking into consideration all you have learned in your textbook reading for this module, reflect on what force or entity has the greatest ability to influence(positively or negatively) change within the U.S. healthcare system, especially involving healthcare delivery and access. What evidence shows its influence? Why do you think this force or entity has so much power? For instance, discuss the role in society that vests it with power.Next, consider how changes to the system impact individuals. Specifically, how could changes within the larger healthcare institution trickle down to impact an individual client such as Jean? Explain with examples.Answer the key questions above in approximately 250 to 300 words. Be sure to develop your writing in enough detail for a reader to find it clear and convincing. Note that the journals in this course are private between you and the instructor. Each journal assignment will be assessed individually according to its own rubric.Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins