Hartshorne’s Functional Approach and Current American Politics

One of the things we will study in Political Geography is Steven Hartshorne’s Functional Approach. Hartshorne’s Functional Approach is elegantly simple. First, countries must have a reason for being. Second for a country to stay together as a country centripetal forces that bring the citizens together must outweigh centrifugal forces which tear the people apart.

You will then watch a PBS Frontline episode entitled Documenting Hate: New American Nazis which you can stream at

(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)


You will write a 500 word (two pages double spaced) reflection paper relating Hartshorne’s Functional Approach to the current state of American politics to include the rise of white nationalist/supremacist.

Follow these guidelines in writing your paper:

1. You may write in first person for this assignment.

2. Write your paper in active voice.

3. Double space our work.

4. Use 12pt Ariel or Times Roman Font

5. Use one inch margins.

6. Organize your paper as follows:

a. Introduction where you state your purpose and outline how you will accomplish your purpose.

b. Body of the paper that summarizes Hartshorne’s Functional Approach and then relates that concept to current American politics including the rise of white supremacist.

c. Your conclusion is your personal reflection on the above and what you will do about it.

7. Give your paper a descriptive title and put your name on it.

8. You will submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document using the following filing naming format:

last name_ Geo101_F20_paper2

9. Ensure you cite your sources and include URLs for web sources.