Four to five pages double spaced memo (exclusive of references)
Write a memo describing the search for a funder for an identified agency.
First, set the context and describe the agency, the population it serves, and the problem the agency seeks to address.
Next, explain your process of identifying potential funders. The main body of the memo should include a summary of at least three potential “strong fitting” funders followed by a rationale for how the agency fits within the funder’s theory of change.

Please revise my paper by adding this information to it

By the end of the memo, sum up how your ideas evolved during the process and why you believe these are the best possible funding options.
The memo may be written in a first-person narrative style and should reflect your thinking process as you research funders and attempt to determine agency funder “fit”.
You may draw on written materials from foundation search engines, general internet searches and conversations with colleagues regarding past experiences with the founder.
You will be graded on the quality of the research, the goodness of fit between the agency goal and funder goal as well as the evidence provided of your thinking process.
The goal is to not only find potential funders for the agency but also to report on the process of researching the potential funders and analyzing the prospects for a match.