Global Health Issue Final Paper – 350 pts/35%

You will write an elaborated argumentative research paper that focuses on convincing an audience of your pears that a specific solution that you propose and defend will help alleviate or substantially improve a specific global health problem. This paper must be at least 2,275 words to receive a passing grade. Minimum word count does not include notes, references, identifying information, title, etc.

Your paper should follow the following format for section headers:

  • Intro: Brief introduction that draws the reader in and leads them to a clear thesis and then preview of the paper. Your intro should be no more than 300 words.
  • Problem: A section dedicated to establishing/convincing the reader of the extent of the specific problem. Be sure to verbally paint a compelling picture of the issue. You also need to clearly demonstrate what structural/attitudinal barriers exist that prevent this problem from being fixed already. You may use LIMITED excerpts (no more than 200 words total) from your mini papers. This section must be substantial enough to make the reader agree with your argument that something needs to be done because the problem is substantial enough AND current initiatives are not sufficient. While the solution portion of your paper should be the longest, the problem section should be a close second in length.
  • Solution: Your proposal/solution for addressing the specific problem you identify in the previous section. In this section, be sure to provide evidence that will make a compelling case that the solution will overcome the existing structural/attitudinal barriers you identify previously. Remember, we need to think about logistics – we need to propose something that we can argue is reasonable to accomplish. In other words, don’t propose that we do something like completely end world hunger by making grocery stores in developed countries take out-of-date food and ship it to other countries that need it. You likely can’t end world hunger by doing that, and the logistics of something that massive would be impractical. This is why credible/reliable research that backs up your position is essential here. Demonstrate not just that we should do something, but that we more importantly can do something.
  • Refutation: There are always challenges or perhaps even common opposition to what someone suggests. In this section,identify reasons why a reasonable individual might be skeptical of your plan working. Then, argue why that skepticism is not warranted. Or, if the skepticism is warranted, argue what steps you’re going to take to reduce the likelihood of that concern becoming a reality.
  • Moving Forward: Finally, as a concluding section, provide the way forward. If you’ve convinced your reader/audience that your solution is good and workable, lay out the steps that need to be taken to set your solution in motion. This is meant to convince us that the logistics have been taking into consideration. As always, provide evidence to help justify the steps.

Each paper requires a minimum of 10 unique sources that you find. While you may use required course readings, they do not count as any of the 10. However, recommended readings are fair game.

This paper is due before 11:59 PM on the last Friday of the semester.

Meeting minimum standards in the syllabus does not guarantee an A, AB, or B on an assignment!!

All writing assignments must contain no more than one sentence of direct quotes per 325 words! Incorporate supporting information by paraphrasing and summarizing your sources.

Grading Criteria

             /60 pts Writing quality (Writing style is formal and academic. Proper APA/MLA/Chicago citation and reference format. Proper grammar, spelling, and usage. The writer balances not being too simplistic and not being too complex. Demonstrates understanding of proper sentence and paragraph structure. Use of proper transitions.)

             /60 Argument Quality (There is a clearly stated thesis. Claims/main ideas are clearly/directly stated after the thesis and when first developing them in the body of the paper. The writer clearly demonstrates how the claims/main ideas discussed in the paper reinforce the thesis. Sufficient supporting information is used to substantiate the specific claims/main ideas presented. The writer clarifies how the supporting information justifies each claim/main idea and doesn’t leave it up to the reader to determine that connection. The writer is sufficiently persuasive while ethically qualifying the arguments based on available information. Claims/main ideas are organized to facilitate persuasive objectives and a cohesive flow. The author leaves the reader with a sense of finality at the end by synthesizing the thesis/objective and how they accomplished it.)

             /15 Intro


             /65 Problem


             /70 Solution


             /40 Refutation


             /30 Moving Forward



The paper project will include:

Proposal (one paragraph-min 150words)– due week 3 – 5 points

Please pick the topic you are interested in. Explain why this issue is important and why it is important to YOU. Think about the proposal as introduction to your paper.

Paper outline (bullet points one full page) – due week 6 – 5 points