Research essay

For your literary analysis, you will write an essay on the graphic novel of Animal Farm as illustrated by ODYR. You will choose one of the essay topics provided below. At least 3 of the resources you used for your annotated bibliography must be utilized for the final research essay.

Your paper should have an introduction with a strong thesis, several supporting arguments with examples (direct quotations from the text and relevant contextual information) that demonstrate your thesis, and a conclusion. You should carefully and thoughtfully analyze your examples and ensure that they strongly support your thesis. Your mark will be based on clarity of writing and thinking, organization, a clear understanding of the text in question, the rigor of your analysis, your writing style, your adherence to MLA guidelines, appropriate use of research, and your creativity. The research helps to provide theory/or context for your ideas, but you still have to prove your points with evidence and ideas from Animal Farm. Your paper should not simply repeat what the authors of your academic articles/books have said.

You must any ideas that come from lectures and our class discussions, as well as the graphic novel itself. For citing the lecture, follow the instructions on p.151 of Little Seagull for “Work on a Website.” The Publisher for our purposes is MRU BlackBoard. Be sure to cite the slide number, as we do not have page numbers.

Cases of plagiarism, as defined by the MRU Student Code of Conduct, will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and students will receive a grade of 0 with no opportunity to rewrite. LENGTH AND APPEARANCE

Your paper should be approximately 1500-2000 words in length (excluding the “Works Cited” page). Your essay must be typed (using 12-point Times New Roman or similar font) and double-spaced.

In this class, you will use the MLA style of documentation. Your paper must follow the MLA guidelines for proper formatting and citation. Your paper must include a typed “Works Cited” page and you must use parenthetical documentation in the body of your essay. Please use the accepted MLA sources for this assignments (writing presentation, MLA guide from MRU library, OWL at Purdue). For the physical formatting of the paper itself, the Little Seagull section on MLA is useful (for example: how to format the first page, having headers with your last name and page number, etc.). You may also consult with the handouts I gave you for the MLA assignment, as there is information on MLA formatting.