Essay 3- Synthesis Paper (1000 words)

To synthesize, is to make a connection between various components that might appear to be unrelated at first glance. In your synthesis essay, you will bring together at least 3 of the works that we have previously read and discussed and in addition to analysis, you must find and present eloquently the common thread that brings them together. Avoid overly cliché themes. Instead, find an aspect that when further investigated brings cohesion to the works. You must select at least one poem and one short story, plus an additional genre of your choice.

1-“We Wear the Mask”- poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar
2-“The Pursuit of happiness” Drama Movie 2006-(Actor-Will Smith)
3-“A Rose for Emily”-story by William Faulkner

Synthesis Essay Checklist

Write an essay in which you synthesize at least 3 works, two of which MUST be from the works covered thus far but that you have not written about. Your third piece can be a contemporary song or movie. You must have a short story, poem AND an outside work.

Be sure to:
Similarity percentage: 25%
Avoid using first and second person
Include a clear introduction, body and conclusion
Write a thesis statement that is inclusive of the theme and include the authors and titles of all works (highlight this in yellow; it should be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph)
Write topic sentences (first sentence in each paragraph) that are objective and reflect your thesis statement (must also be highlighted in yellow)
Use transitional phrases to help you move from one topic to the next
Place evidence in bold
Place elaboration in italics