CULT 100 001 002: MEDIA RESPONSE #2
WORD COUNT: 1000-1250 words
Course concepts or terms:
Subcultures, Post-colonialism, Minorities, Discourse, popular culture, appropriation, Ideology, Materialist, Authenticity, Individualism, Postmodernism, Culture ware, Materialism, Identity politics, Capitalism, Identities, Aesthetic, Multination, Culture, Mythology, Commodity fetishism, Race, Progress, Postmodernism, Consumption, Folk culture, Mass culture, Appropriation, Cold war, Liberal, Culture studies, Consumerism, Class mobility, Commodities, Agency, Marxism.
You will submit a 1000-1250-word response to something you have encountered in the mass media. This may include a music video, advertisement, film, or an episode of a series. Responses must show critical and original thought and reference at last TWO course concepts.
- Choose two course concepts or terms
- Define your terms or concepts, and explain what they mean
- Choose something that you have encountered in the media.
- Describe or summarizethe media you have chosen briefly. Where did you find it and in what context?
- Analyse and describe how the piece of media relates to the concepts or terms that you have chosen. Why do you think this is a meaningful and revealing example? Consider and refer to specific elements of the example (visual, textual, etc.)
- Come up with an original title. “Media Response” is not an acceptable title!
- Use 12-point Times or Times New Roman font
- Double-space your essay
- Use 1” margins
- Number your pages
- NOT to exceed the word limit. Any writing beyond 1250 words will not be graded. Include word count in your paper
You may use the word “I” in your written work. Avoid errors of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Remember to proofread your assignments. You can lose a full letter grade or even more by forgetting to proofread and make final revisions.
All written assignments must be properly referenced in MLA format and must include a bibliography. Use the Quick Guides and resources offered on the University of British Columbia Okanagan library website: Avoid over-use of quoted materials. Quoted passages need to be contextualized and require comments that directly forward your own argument. When citing work, all direct quotes and ideas that are paraphrased (written in your own words) must be referenced.