[December 10, 2020 17:35] Dear writer! Please, work in TO_USE_681343.docx attached. The main issues that must be addressed:
1. The paper must correspond to all instructions in International_Law_Brief_2020.docx and BRIEF_for_TASK.docx attached.
2. The paper still doesn’t meet the word count. Please, add more content for the paper to be 3000 words.
3. There are no relevant primary sources. Please, add appropriate case laws and statutes.
4. Introduction and conclusion don’t reflect the content of the paper. There is no distinct thesis statement. The conclusion doesn’t even mention Israel, although it is as important as Palestine in the paper. Please, revise these sections of the paper.
5. There is no degree of critique in the paper. However, the instructions state: “Argue and respond critically and creatively to the problems of applying basic international law concepts to contemporary international society.” Thus, you must make your paper as critical as possible and support it with relevant evidence.
6. The whole paper must be proofread to eliminate all grammar and stylistic issues as well as repetitions.