The Inverted Triangle, “Funnel Introduction”
The Narrative Introduction
The Interrogative Introduction
Mind the Gap/ Outlining the Niche Introduction
Think about the needs of your paper and write the introduction to your paper in one (or a combination) of these styles. After your introduction, briefly explain in (100 words min) how the style(s) that you chose fit the needs of your particular essay.

Please read the lecture on Body Paragraphs in Week Three. This reading defines key concepts of body paragraphs.

Strategies to Create Unity:

Topic Sentences
Repetition of Key Words
Critical Strategies to Develop Paragraphs:

Examples and illustrations
Analyze texts
Tell narratives or anecdotes
Define Terms
Make Comparisons
Write one body paragraph for your paper and try to use both concepts of unity, topic sentences and transitions, and at least one strategy for developing paragraphs. After submitting your assignment, post one body paragraph and respond to two of your classmates (100 words min) in the Discussion Board on how well they used these strategies or where they could use them more effectively.

Read the section on the four conclusion strategies on the Week three readings button. Write a conclusion to your paper that uses one or more of the four strategies listed:

So What? Explain Importance/ Synthesize.
Pose Questions for Future Research or Study/ What Now?
Echo the Introduction
Call to Action
Use Quotatiofktns to Amplify your Main Point