Research question: can price and freebies influence consumers’ perception of the product’s efficacy?
H1: High pricing positively influences the product’s efficacy perception.
H2: Freebies influence the product’s efficacy perception.
H3: High pricing has a positive influence on freebies.
I would like hypotheses to be tested in ONE study with a main theme of testing vitamin C. This topic relates to business (consumer) psychology and methodology should cover:
The design of the study: within or between subject, how many factors (independent variables)
Participants: who were your participants (e.g., students, random population)
The dependent variable: how did you measure it?
The independent variables (including moderators/mediators): how did you measure
Any other measures/scales.
The procedure of the data collection (i.e. what were the instructions for the participants, how did you collect the data: e.g., pen & paper questionnaire, online survey, interview, …)
Which analysis did you use to test your hypotheses? (e.g., ANOVA, Chi-squared, repeated-measures t-test)

There is no need to write about results or discussiofktn, only methodology. Thank you!