Summary of your key learnings from the Udacity How to Build a Startup – The Lean LaunchPad course by Steve Blank
Complete the following Udacity class in full;
During the course take specific notes on your key learnings while keeping in mind the information below;
Part I
A 1-2 page summary (character font: 11, spacing: 1.5) containing your key learnings of “Lesson 2 What We Now Know” & “Lesson 3 Business Models and Customer Development” of the course by Steve Blank;
Use clear, concise and in-depth analysis – the sharpness and thoroughness of your writing will be taken into account.
Part II
Create a personal version of the Business Model Canvas using the following platform:
This canvas should contain a list of 3-5 for questions in each of the 9 boxes that will help you fill out future versions of the canvas. The questions should be yours and emerge from your personal understanding of the following lessons of the Udacity course.
You should upload a PDF version of your analysis (Part I) and as well as a PDF of your completed canvas as well as the link to the canvas itself for future reference (Part II).
This assignment is worth 20% of the final grade.