The font needs to be Times New Roman, Size 12, 1″ Margins, Double Spaced

“For this assignment, please pick on of the three assigned books for the course to be your focal point: Life and Death in the Third Reich; Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany; or When the Danube Ran Red.This paper is not a book review; however, it is an opportunity for you to address the issues raised in the assigned class texts. In this essay, you will be expected to have an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Be sure to include your analysis throughout. You do not just want to summarize the book, but address the issues it raised and critically evaluate the information and ideas presented. This is not a personal essay, so avoid using first and second person. No outside research is expected for this assignment, but you may include reliable and academic outside sources to aid you in your evaluations. No encyclopedias. Cite throughout using Chicago style footnotes.”

The topic I chose is German Support for the Nazis which is from the book Life and Death in the Third Reich