How does a person-centred stance work in psychotherapy to facilitate change? In this Essay the following questions should all be answered in an appropriate form. Give enough refrences, word count should be 2000 exluding text in referencing and quotations of any other references.ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AUTUMN TERM

• Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and philosophy on which the person-centred approach is based.
• Demonstrate an accurate understanding of the ‘necessary and sufficient’ conditions.
• Provide a clear description of how person-centred therapy works to facilitate change with reference to classical and contemporary texts.
• Constructively critically evaluate, with reference to the relevant therapeutic literature, and come to your own position, with regard to how effective person-centred therapy is for producing change.
• Clarity of structure, writing and spelling.
please look at the attached file for more details.

Topic/Start: Guide the reader on what you are focusing on in developing your answer to this title question: The question of what works in psychotherapy ‘’to facilitating’’ needs to be explored as the basis of addressing the tittle of this essay.

Body of the information on this ‘’ sub-topic’’/middle;
Structure the content of each section chronologically-give refrenced support for this point wherever possible. Write about freud, before you talk about rogers, he came before.
Take a helicopter stance to information/ideas to be presented

See ideas as possible perspective rather than true + fixed, evaluate ideas=
What evidence is there for this claim
Are there counter claims?
What conclusion can be drowned at this stage in debate?

A Wrap comment/middle- at the end of this section/sub-topic, draws a mini-conclusion on where this section of information, leaves the answer to the title question. This shows your ability to analyse…..

Therefore, it can be argued that……….

Developing a critical approach to expert knowledges
See the ‘’bigger picture’’
– historical influence?
-power influences-in whose interests is this promoted as true?
-Social/cultural norms- Subtle pressure to accept certain ways of being human/behaving etc.

Counselling-its role in society – what function does it serve?
– How might it be used as a subtle form of pastoral care yet regulatory?
– Regulation people to be more content/ docile, efficient and productive citizens? – what could be lost?

How does the person-centred approach work facilitate change?
What are the strengths in facilitating change-but what kind of change?
What are its limits/who cannot work in this type of relational experience?

Too culturally located- individualism, pursuit of happiness’’ ( socially prescribed) or resonating with deeply human needs which culturally have effected? Change to what?

Clients problems- may not always have capacity to change, too dysfunctional- rogers too simplistic view of pathology??? Or was he on the right track? Everyone can change to a more personally fulfilling life, as they see it, if their trust their organism function???