(Hospitality Investigations Management). Please Flow the instruction very carefully and check all files very carefully, please. If you are missing Check the all files and all instructions then you must do again, so please check all files first to end and all instructions, please. This assignment is Undergraduate, Level 5. The first you must Flow everything from Lecture’s Notes and then other Sources, please.

i. Formulate an appropriate research aim and set of objectives, in relation to a contemporary topic/issue to be researched.
ii. Demonstrate the ability to develop a theoretical framework and literature review, in relation to the chosen topic area.
iii. Demonstrate an ability to plan and design a proposed research methodology; evaluating, selecting and designing appropriate, individual data collection tools.
iv. Present a summary and critical evaluation of a proposal, considering future research

This assignment requires you to produce a critical, extended research proposal which focuses on a contemporary topic or issue within the hospitality industry.

The proposal should include:
– An introduction (to research/research proposals).
– A proposed aim and set of objectives (no more than 4), (example: Technology ideas, Sustainability ideas, Michelin, Working hours or Brands vs Independents etc).
– An introduction (to the research topic area) and a rationale for the study; specifically focusing on the need for/purpose of your research and who/what may benefit as a result of your research.
– A critical review of the existing research/literature.
– A critical discussion around the planned methods for the research – This section should make reference to both primary and secondary methods and may consider the following five areas; overall approach, selection and design of data collection tools, sampling, planned procedures (to include ethical considerations) and data analysis techniques.
– A summary/evaluation of the proposal, with recommendations for a full research project.
– It is also recommended that you include a title page, contents page, any relevant supporting figures (such as a theoretical framework), a reference list and supporting appendices (if required). Appendices may include a literature matrix or an example research tool (copy of a questionnaire/interview/focus group questions, observation checklist etc.)

proposal should include:
• An introduction (to research/research proposals). Covered in the week 1 lecture Note.
• A proposed aim and set of objectives (no more than 4 Covered in the week 3 lecture Note. (example: Technology ideas, Sustainability ideas, Michelin, Working hours or Brands vs Independents etc).
• A topic introduction and rationale Covered in the week 3 lecture Note.
• A critical review of the existing research/literature Covered in the week 4 lecture Note.
• A critical discussion around the planned methods for the research Covered in weeks 5, 6 and 7 Lecture Note.
• A summary/evaluation of the proposal, with recommendations for a full research project Covered in this week 8 Lecture Note session.