This semester you have developed your abilities to compare and contrast assigned readings that provide secondary source analysis on historical events. For a final exam option, you will now demonstrate your ability to find secondary sources to analyze on your own. In a short paper, you will analyze two secondary sources. One must be from the assigned reading since week 12 and can be:
• Fritzche, Life and Death in the Third Reich
• Browning, “One Day in Jozefow”
• Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America
• Phillips-Fein, Fear City
The other secondary source must be provided by you. This source should be related in theme, topic, or approach to one of our assigned readings. Remember, that this is a serious historical analysis. So you can’t simply provide a link to a blog or news site. You should be providing and citing a secondary source authored by a historian and that has gone through a rigorous review process. This can included a book published by a reputable scholarly or professional press, an article in a professional historical journal, or a chapter in a book or historical anthology (also edited by professional historians).


Papers must be 3-4 pages, typed with traditional (11 or 12 point; Times New Roman or Calibri) font and standard margins.