
Level 4 – Excellent

Level 3 – Proficient

Level 2 – Developing

Level 1 – Emerging

Criterion Score

Assignment-Driven Criteria

23 points

Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

20 points

Demonstrates considerable proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

18 points

Demonstrates partial proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

14 points

Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

/ 23

Critical Thinking

9 points

Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Multiple information sources, expert opinion, and assumptions are analyzed, synthesized, and critically evaluated. Logically consistent conclusions are presented with appropriate rationale.

8 points

Demonstrates considerable proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Information sources and viewpoints of experts are proficiently analyzed and evaluated. Assumptions are clearly stated and supported, but may not be questioned.  Conclusions are logical, but may be somewhat disconnected from the analysis.

7 points

Demonstrates partial proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Information sources and viewpoints of experts are stated, but not necessarily synthesized, or critically evaluated. Assumptions are stated but not supported. Conclusions may be logical, but are not connected to or supported by the preceding analysis.

6 points

Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Information sources and viewpoints of experts are either absent or poorly analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Assumptions are implied, but not clearly stated. Conclusions are either absent or poorly conceived and unsupported.

/ 9

Business Writing

4 points

Demonstrates mastery in written communication and a skilled, knowledgeable, and error-free presentation to an appropriately specialized audience.

3 points

Demonstrates considerable proficiency in written communication with a well-organized presentation to an appropriately specialized audience.

2 points

Demonstrate partial proficiency in written communication with few grammatical or syntax errors, but may lack headings or be pitched at the wrong audience.

1 point

Demonstrates limited or poor ability to write clearly, and uses poor grammar and syntax. Text may be disorganized and rambling.

/ 4

Effective Use of Information

6 points

Demonstrates mastery in locating relevant and quality sources of information, using strong and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.

5 points

Demonstrates considerable proficiency in retrieving information, and in using appropriate and relevant content to support ideas, and convey understanding of the topic. Few arguments left unsupported.

4 points

Demonstrates partial proficiency to retrieve information, but may not be able to discriminate quality. Uses relevant content to partially support ideas, but leaves many arguments unsupported.  May use immaterial or disparate content in an attempt to support arguments.

3 points

Demonstrates inability to retrieve information, or use appropriate or relevant content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic and shape the whole work.  Makes unsupported arguments and assertions.

/ 6

Citing Sources

3 points

Demonstrates mastery using in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and correctly format full source information in the reference list using APA style (bibliography).

2 points

Demonstrates considerable proficiency using of in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and provides sufficient source information in the reference list, though not in APA format (bibliography).

1 point

Demonstrates occasional use of in-text citations of sources and provides partial reference information, such as a URL or web link


0 points

Demonstrates inability to cite sources or provide a reference list (bibliography).

/ 3


5 points

Assignment submitted on time or collaborated with professor for an approved extension on due date.

3 points

Assignment submitted 1-2 days after module due date.

2 points

Assignment submitted 3-4 days after module due date.

0 points

Assignment submitted 5 or more days after module due date.

/ 5

Rubric Total ScoreTotal

/ 50