Professional Dispositions for Leadership
In this course, you have identified an achievement gap and developed an action plan for addressing that in your particular setting. One underlying piece that influences the success of your action plan is the dispositions that you demonstrate.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competency and assessment criteria:

Competency 4: Reflect on personal dispositions to identify area of focus for personal learning and growth.
Reflect on personal commitment to professional and personal growth.
Describe how leaders act with integrity and fairness to ensure a school system of accountability for student success.
Describe how leaders promote social justice within the school.
Identify ways to demonstrate professional dispositions with students, families, colleagues, and communities.
Competency 6: Promote the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Identify ways to advocate for students, families, and caregivers.

****Develop a professional dispositions statement that is reflective of your mission, vision, and values in acting as a leader. In your document, address the following items:

*****Describe how, as a leader, you act with integrity and fairness to ensure accountability for student success.
****Describe how, as a leader, you promote social justice within your school setting.
****Identify and describe ways that you display professional dispositions with students, families, colleagues, and the community.
****Describe how you can advocate for students and families in a professional and helpful manner.
*****Evaluate where you are professionally, and describe ways that you can engage in personal and professional growth.

Your Professional Dispositions statement should be 2–3 pages in length. Use APA style. Submit your professional dispositions for leadership paper as an attachment in the assignment area.