Devise and write up a research proposal; details below.

Literature Review and Research Proposal

Design a novel research project for:

A Situational Crime Prevention technique for Money LaunderingFor this assessment, you must submit both:

1) A literature review (1,000 words)

2) A research proposal (750 words) – please see format belowReview the relevant research and theory,
identify a novel gap in the existing research,
narrow your focus accordingly in your literature review (part 1);
this should logically precede your research proposal (part 2).

Arising from a review of the pertinent literature, your proposed study could be experimental, non-experimental, or quasi-experimental, and it could be qualitative and/or quantitative in nature, but you will need to formulate specific research questions and hypotheses for this task, and comprehensively complete the research proposal form according to the instructions given.

The research project you propose must be achievable and realistic; devising a feasible and ethically sound study that you could conduct yourself is part of the task.

Part 1: Literature Review

Locating, synthesising, and evaluating the relevant literature to motivate a pertinent and valuable research question is an important element of research planning, as is writing up your ideas clearly and concisely.

The word limit for the literature review is 1000 words.

NB: Since the literature review will be accompanied by a research proposal, you do not necessarily need to state your hypotheses in this part of the task, but you must ensure that you include these in your research proposal form.

Part 2: Research Proposal

In order to demonstrate your understanding of the various concepts covered in the module, you are required to design a research project and draft a research proposal, using the departmental dissertation proposal form

The word limit for the overview of your research proposal is 750 words.

The word count does NOT include the table element of the form (that includes: 1. Candidate Number, 2. Programme of Study, 3. Title of Proposed Project, 4. Expectation of needing ethical approval)

The word count does NOT include post-text references (or ‘bibliography’)

The word count DOES apply to ALL text in the main body of your prose (including any in-text citations, subheadings, etc).

Reasonable use of footnotes is permitted and will not be included in the word count

Please ensure the proposal is structured as follows and covers all these areas:

· Context showing that the proposed project is timely and relevant, addressing an important crime- or security-related issue. If the link to your programme of study is not obvious, please make it clear here;

· Aims and objectives;

· Research question(s) and hypotheses;

· Clear explanation and justification of methods for data collection and a brief consideration of how you intend to analyse your data;

· Clear explanation of how you will access data and/or participants. If you intend to use hard-to-access data, specify if access has been agreed already and, if not, how you intend to get it;

· Discussion of the limitations of the approach proposed; and

· Bibliography of all references used in the proposal


Producing a pertinent, concise, and critical literature review

Designing a study

Composing a research plan


Below, please provide a concise overview of your proposed project that does not exceed 750 words (excluding references). Please ensure the proposal is structured as follows and covers all these areas:
• Context showing that the proposed project is timely and relevant, addressing an important crime- or security-related issue. If the link to your programme of study is not obvious, please make it clear here;
• Aims and objectives;
• Research question(s) and hypotheses;
• Clear explanatifkton and justification of met…