The purpose of this case study report is to demonstrate your grasp of the application of theory to clinical practice by demonstrating an understanding of evidence-based practice and providing a critical discussion of the relevant research evidence to this case. You will be required to discuss and reflect on the full hearing aid fitting appointment and the follow up and should include issues that were apparent or relevant to this case and discuss these with reference to relevant research/literature. You may wish to include diagrams to illustrate your points and provide material for consideration. The material presented must reflect accurately the assessment and interventions carried out with the relevant client/patient.
Summarise your case report. Mention why this is a complex case in relation to the fitting and/or follow up, and why your case report is important eg as a differential to consider in a patient presenting with X, Y and Z.
Case report
Narrate your case in a way that is easy and enjoyable to follow. The general approach is to describe the history, findings, investigations and treatment in that order. Avoid any unnecessary details, and make sure you mention the important positive and negative findings from each part of the appointment. Try and include one or two images to keep the reader engaged these might be REM tube positioning, hearing aid performance measures through the HIT Box or your verification processes (REM or Manual REM). You should also consider including your client or patients audiogram to build the picture.
Discussion and Reflection
This is the selling point of your case report, as a well-written argument will convince a journal that your case report is worthy of publication. Start by briefly expanding on your introduction, explaining why your particular case is important, and of interest to the reader.
Next, sum up the current literature related to your case. Describe what has already been reported about your topic, and what the main hypotheses and theories are that explain the clinical findings. Remember that reviewers will be looking for evidence that your case is complex.
Finally, describe in detail the message that you are conveying through your report. This may be in line with current thinking, or even contrary to popular belief! Focus on the lessons that should be learnt from your experience, and how this affects future clinical practice.
Summary points
Some journals will ask for a brief conclusion, or summary of learning points. You should succinctly summarise the key messages of your case report in three or four bullet points.
**Client Confidentiality**
Anonymised data must be used throughout the case study and there should be no identifiable information in relation to the client or service i.e. you need to change any names and identifying information and make it clear that this has been done.
Your work should be fully referenced in line with the Harvard style guide and Cite them Right.