Specific directions from teacher:
Read The Great Gatsby carefully. Then in a multi-paragraph essay in which you choose a major theme within the novel and analyze the message Fitzgerald conveys about your chosen theme. In addition, discuss how Fitzgerald’s message is relevant to contemporary American society. Support your analysis with specific references to the text.

Criteria #1: Write an informative/explanatory essay in which you provide a clear thesis statement stating your purpose.
Criteria #2: Provide clear evidence from the novel that demonstrates the theme clearly.
Criteria #3: Commentary consistently explains how the evidence supports a line of reasoning.
Criteria #4: Makes connections between Fitzgerald’s message and American society today.

Make sure the essay reads like a junior in high school wrote it. It cannot be written in a way that seems too advanced or like a college-level writer wrote it.

The only source needed would be the book itself or any information from it.