Demonstrate theability to distinguishbetween empirical, normative, and advocacy researchas well as how they form the components of arguments for and against a particular topic.

2Recognize, respond to and analyze a rangeofevidence used to support varioustypesofclaims.

3Understandtherelationship between research, language, and well-supported conclusions.4Provide a foundation of evidence to assist in completing the 2 major essays for the course.Assignment Description:Please either alone or in groups no more than 3, to organize your research on the class topic. Development of a thoroughpacket (i.e.cover all the stock-issues) with your own research is the goal of the assignment. As such, the quality and depth of your group’s research on the stock issues, from both the affirmative and the negative perspective,is the most important factor. Please make sure to conform to the specific requirements for both the advocacy and refutation sections to demonstrate the strength and sophistication of your approach.Specific Requirements:1Each group will compile a research packet that evaluates a minimum of 15sources relating to the topic. The first 10sources must be dated after 12/31/2018but no date restrictions apply to any additional sources.2The packet must have a cover page that notes the topic verbatim, has a table of contents organized around the stock issues, and lists each group member’s name.A MLA style Work Cited must also be includedas the final page(s) of the packet.3There must be at least 3main sections: definitions, affirmativeand negative•The definitions section must, through individual words and/or phrases, define every term in the resolution.•The affirmative section should consider, at minimum,thestock issues of:Ill, Blame, Cure, and No Cost(no link, non-unique, and no impact).•The negative section should consider, at minimum, the stock issues of: No Ill, No Blame, No Cure, and Cost (link, uniqueness, and impact).4Other than the Cover Page and Works Cited, each page of the packet should: only deal with 1 stock issue, have the entire evidence quotations with a citation and a 1-sentence summary, and note the page number of the packet.5This packet is due in three stages and each group member must submit a copy ofpacket for each stage. The stages are:•Affirmative Research Due 11 October 2020 at 11:59 pm(value = 20points)•Negative Research Due 22 November 2020 at 11:59 pm(value = 20points)•Final Research Due 13 December 2020 at 11:59 pm(value = 60points)Grading(100 points):1Meeting the specific requirements of the assignment.2Strength and sophistication of evidence generated.3Thoroughness of research of the topic sources.4Clarity of research presentation.

Checklist for the Research Packet’sSpecific Requirements:I.Cover Page:A.Is there the class proposition?B.Is there a table of contents?C.Is each group member’s name listed?II.Issues:A.Does the packet contain cards from at least 15different sources?B.Are the first 10sources dated after 12/31/2018?C.Have you defined every word and/or phrase in the resolutionwith a field contextual source?D.Have you included evidence both for and againstthe proposition?E.Do you provide evidence for each stock issue:1Affirmative: Ill; Blame; Cure; and No Cost (No Link, NoUniqueness, No Impact)?2Negative: No Ill; No Blame; No Cure; and Cost (Link, Uniqueness, Impact)?III.Page FormatA.Does each page note the group(i.e. the stock issue)name?B.Does each page note the brief name?C.Does each page only deal with 1 stock issue?D.Is each page numbered?IV.Card FormatA.Does each quotation have a 6-12 word summary(i.e. a tag)?B.Does each quotationhave, at minimum, a citation that includesthe required MLA information for your source?C.Are cardsunderlined rather than shortened with ellipses?D.Works Cited Page1Do you have a Works Cited page?2Is it in MLA format?