Element 010
Task: Coursework 3000 words
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The assessment for this module consists of one element with two questions. You must answer both questions.

In both questions, you must use appropriate case law in order to support your answers.

In particular, the first part comprises an essay question relating to aspects of the English Legal System. The second part will concern a case scenario where the student is required to apply the law to a given problem, manage this information and communicate appropriately and effectively their advice to the parties.

For Question 1 and 2:

Please make sure all cases are given a citation, preferably in the text or, as a minimum, in the list of references /bibliography. For example, ‘Ali v Baba (2015) 1 WLR 239’. The list of references should include a list of the legal cases and legislation mentioned in the answer. The legal cases and legislation are the primary sources of information in a law essay – you do not have to cite the secondary source where they viewed a case. You should only give the legal citation, not the website or book where they accessed details of the case. For example, this is the correct reference for this case – London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster [2009] All ER (D) 160 – not London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster, Turner, C (2013) Unlocking Employment Law, 383.

Please make sure all direct and indirect quotations from textbooks, journals or electronic resources are properly referenced (using an ‘in text citation’ or footnote reference in the main body of your answer) and any resources used must be listed in the bibliography.

Do not use abbreviations such as ‘eq’, ‘ie’ or simplify words such as ‘because’ to ‘cos’ or ‘for’ to ‘4’. It is important to observe and use good academic English in answering assignment questions, be it an essay or a problem question.

Please use proper paragraphs and paraphrasing. A paragraph should not consist of one sentence. There are excellent Guides to writing essays at and

As a recommendation, use either ‘Times New Roman’ or ‘Arial’ with a minimum font size of 10, and maximum of 12, with 1.5 spacing.

The answer must not be purely descriptive and efforts must be taken to relate the answer to the question throughout the discussion. However, if you make an assertion you must support it with an academic reference or legal authority.

Do not use bullet points (it is a law essay).

For Question 2: The Problem Scenario

You may wish to follow the ‘IRAC’ formula in forming discussions for the problem question.

‘I’ – IDENTIFY’ the legal issue

‘R’ – Explain the ‘RULES’ (the law – legislation/judicial precedents from legal cases) surrounding the relevant area/ issue

‘A’ – APPLY the RULES – the relevant legal principles – to the issue and APPLY legal cases to support the opinion.

‘C’ ­ give a CONCLUSION to the issue. This formula may be used over and over again in addressing all of the issues relating to each of the parties in the assignment question.

An overall conclusion should be given which summarises the situation and suggestions as to how to deal with/prevent this type of problem occurring in the future.

Weighting: 100%