Specify the design of the site: Your proposed development should be more than one building and
you must justify the reason for the design from a sustainability perspective. You are also expected
to explain the various elements included in your design, using sketches where appropriate. The
sustainable urban design principles that informed your choice of the following must be clearly
 Building mix and use of space
 Landscaping and drainage system
 Relation to immediate architecture
 Road network/primary traffic
 Public services
 Building orientation
 Outdoor facilities
 Any other elements and/or features of your design in addition to the above
2. Specify materials, services and construction techniques: As a member of the team, you have
been commissioned to design and construct an exclusive private dwelling within the
development. The design is to focus on three major aspects of your private dwelling including:
 Sustainable construction materials
 Sustainable construction methods, techniques, processes and site management practices
 Sustainable building services, resources and facilities
Your report should justify the choice of materials, methods, construction management approaches, as
well as sustainable services, resources and facilities, with particular emphasis on specifications that
consider various indices of sustainability. Among others, the following indices of sustainability could be
used for justifying the choices made:
 The life cycle, environmental cost and embodied energy of chosen materials
 The effect of indoor climate on the health, comfort and productivity of users
 The social aspects of the building in its suitability for different kinds of users (e.g. elderly
people, parents with young children and disabled).
 Access to services needed by the users of the building
 Support for social cohesion and relationships.
 Economic justification for materials choice and construction technology
 The choice of energy and building services
You are expected to identify and explain the guiding sustainability principles for your proposal, choice of
materials, services, construction method and project management decisions.
Submission Requirements
The assignment submission will be in report format, approximately 4,500 words in length, conforming to
appropriate written assignment standards. Dividing the submission into sections by using sub-headings
makes presentation and reading easier, and a robust conclusion (drawing on arguments presented in your
writing) is a vital element. Reference sources can be freely drawn on but remember to cite the source(s)
used and identify them properly in the References section