A1. Comment on the effect of increasing carbon content on the mechanical properties(Note 1) of steel and compare the steel results with the aluminium results. You should explain the meaning of your results and interpret the graphs. You should include examples of where the materials are used in construction with reference your own results and independent research. Compare your calculated results with published data. Explain why your results deviate from published values. Note: Any variances do not necessarily mean that your results are incorrect.

A2. What is meant by stress and strain and why are these terms important?

A3. Explain what is meant by yield stress and proof stress and explain why they are important in structural design. (In this context, structural means load bearing).Note 1. The mechanical proertes are: stress; strain; toughness; and stiffness.The discussion is the most important part of this section the coursework and must be carefully written. You should structure you discussion with separate subheadings to answer each question in turn. Page 5 of 13