Describe the importance of the marketing function and the marketing mix

Explain elements of the communications mix

Examine how digital marketing can be used in communication strategies

Assessment Brief:

You are required to submit a portfolio of no more than 2000 words that explains the effectiveness of digital marketing.

Part 1 (no more than 1000 words) requires you to:

  • Explain what marketing is.
  • Explain what the marketing mix is and where the communications mix fits
  • Explain what digital marketing is.
  • Explain what social media marketing is.
  • Explain why digital marketing and social media marketing are all important to contemporary businesses.

(You need to use text books and journals as sources of reference to justify your answers and reference those sources using Harvard referencing style).

Part 2 (no more than 1000 words) requires you to:

  • Present two examples of social media contents that really works and justify why.
  • You will provide screen shots of effective campaigns which you will insert into your word document. Established models and standards for digital marketing should be referred to.
  • You should use text books to explain why you think the social media content is effective, referencing sources using Harvard referencing.
  • Refer to the template guide provided on Moodle.

Submission Arrangements

You must submit an electronic copy.

The electronic copy maybe marked (Grade marked) on line via Turn it in so the final version you upload must be the complete and final version

Your portfolio should be submitted in Ariel Font 12 pt. double line spacing.

Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. You can upload your assignment through Moodle. Remember that this is an individual assignment, do not copy anyone else’s work and ensure that your work is clearly referenced to avoid suspicion of plagiarism.

Late Work & Exceeding the Word Count

Late work and an excessive word count will be penalised as outlined in the student handbook.

Mitigating Circumstances.

If submission of your work is delayed because of mitigating circumstances, enter these in the appropriate envelope available from the Student Centre.

See module guide for more information.